Free Social Bookmarking Submission Site List

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Best Free Social Bookmarking Site List 2016 are really important to get Back links for SEO. These sites are very popular and have high authority . This way if you share your blog posts to these sites , your web page get a link from high authority sources.
These days plenty of sites are known as social book marking sites , the idea behind social book marking is to save any link for future reference like you save link in your browser book mark . These saved URL can be easliy accessed any time with out trouble.
Social Bookmarking is a next level booking where you can share your saved book marks with others . Some sites gives you flexibility to make comment and vote down or up to these book marks.
This way social book marking is an important part of life specially for SEO  people as each and every link is valuable in improving SEO.
Although there are so many social book marking sites are available on internet but only few of them are worth to mention. We have mentioned these popular social book marking sites those offers free accounts and you can save and share unlimited book marks.

10 Best free social bookmarking submission sites list for SEO and Website Traffic

  1. Reddit
  2. SlashDot
  3. Plurk
  4. Dig
  5. StumbleUpon
  6. Diggo
  7. Delicious
  8. Pinterest
  9. YouMob
Many people refer Google Plus , Twitter , FaceBook also as social book marking sites but it is best to call these sites social media sites.
The confusion comes as both social bookmarking and social media sites allows you to share URL with others , however social media sites provide higher level of interaction with others .
These best free social bookmarking submission site list are of high quality and good traffic sites , you not only get quality back link there is a good chance to get traffic to your shared URL.


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